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Showing posts with label life style. Show all posts

how to take care of tb patient at home

Tuberculosis Remedy 2020- Continuous                                               treatment to eliminate TB

Hello friends, how is TB brought to you today and how can she be finished from root.

  Reason for TB

Every year 6 to 7 crore people in the world suffer from this disease. Every year 25 to 30 lakh people die due to this disease. TB is getting depleted every 3 minutes in the country. Every day 40 thousand people get infection. TB is a serious illness.

It is very important for us to know what causes TB first. TB is also called caries. TB is caused by the genus Bacterium tuberculosis Bacteria. TB affects the lungs: Lung tuberculosis is called pulmonary tuberculosis. More people have this tuberculosis. 85% of the TB of the lungs and 15% of the outer part of the lungs, such as a woman who has TB of the uterus, may have TB in the stomach, in the intestine, in the brain, in the kidney, in the mouth, in the nose, etc.

Bacterium tuberculosis bacteria is found in dried water or washed water. This bacteria is disturbed due to eating disturbances or food intake. The particles of dull meat go into the body due to inhalation. On the other hand, the risk of TB increases. In the same way, infections are caused by unsupervised water or improper eating. If the body's immunity is low then Number Teriyaki O come increases quickly is the disease.

If the immune system is more in the body then there will be no loss due to this bacteria, what is this immune system ?? Immune system has the ability to fight against diseases, that ability is called Immune system. Diseases are caused quickly only when the immunity power is low. Most of the weak people become the victims of TB because their immune power is low.

If someone smokes excessively, there may be a possibility of lung tuberculosis or cancer.

Treatment of TB

 Now we need to keep in mind the treatment of TB and Keen Keen talk. For a TB patient, cow urine not less than how Honeydew. Tuberculosis causes decay of asthma or TB KC disease is eradicated from the roots.Hearing the name of cow urine The nose of the nose may have gone, but I will tell you what is written in the texts of Ayurveda.cow urine contains many nutrients such as nitrogen, copper, phosphate, uric acid, potassium, organic acid, lactose sugar, chloride sulfur, iron, calcium, sodium. Even if Jesus does not believe, he can get a laboratory test done for cow urine.

Now let's see how you should use cow urine when you have TB. If someone is taking medicines, then taking either medicine or even  cow urine together will double the strength of the medicine and the results will be amazing if taken together, then the TB patient has to take medicine for six months. If you take it with cow urine then TB can be cured in two months. If someone uses only cow urine then get rid of TB in three months. Will also be finished with root.

How to consume cow urine?

cow urine means the straight face of a native from the native cow, but the jersey cow's mother is of no use. If the cow is lying down, keep in mind that if the cow is black then it is better. After taking the cow urine, sieve eight layers of cotton cloth and filter it in the morning and eat half a cup of it, so in this way you can consume cow urine.

If you want to cure TB in 5 to 6 weeks, then take cow urine in this way, take cow urine ten times each time, by spooning it every time, doing so will improve your 21st day TB and TB in 4 to 5 weeks Will disappear

Treatment to eliminate TB

(1) For this treatment, some ingredients were brought from the market like Ficus religiosa 5 g, Peepalam 5 g, Dhania 4 g, Parsley 5 g, Parsley 50 g, Pomegranate 25 g, Black pepper 5 g, Bansulochan g, Cinnamon 2 g, Bay leaf. Grind 8 to 10 leaves of these and become churned and if you do not take honey with honey, you can eat it with goat or cow's milk.

(2) Drinking lime water in milk will cure TB disease.

(3) Milk 250 grams of goat and cook 10 grams of coconut powder and 6 grams of garlic and then eat it in the morning and evening, the disease ends. Use this medicine daily.

(4) Garlic has sulfuric acid which kills the tuberculosis, increase the quantity of garlic with food and take eight ten buds of garlic and drink it in milk and drink it.

(5) Drinking the drumstick leaves with water also provides relief in TB.

(6) Drinking orange juice also improves TB.

Things to keep in mind and TB Precaution

The TB patient should consume raw onion daily, always put salt on the onion, by doing so, the germ of TB is destroyed.
 Eat or drink 25 grams of a day a woman's ear, and germs die due to which the power in the lungs increases and the disease is easily cured.
Now, see what to take in food and if you use green vegetables, pepper spices, sour things, began, take special care of this matter.

If someone has TB, the patient's dog food, the dog's food by sleeping around it or by staying near or by his clothes, the bacteria easily get washed in the body and others are also likely to get the disease.

If a TB patient shrinks or spits, then the bacteria in TB fail in the air, which remain in the air for 45 minutes, which fumes in the body when other people breathe, so which hospital or where there is more traffic. While going, wear a handkerchief or mask on your turn. Otherwise, if the Immune power of Casey will decrease then the chances of getting this disease increases.

If someone has TB in or around your house, keep aside its food and food, and keep aside from it, because if someone gets TB like this, then pay special attention to these things.
Use soya been instead of ghee butter to get vitamins or take the multi vitamin pill given by the doctor.

 If you smoke, stop today or else it is not good for your health.e

Nutrition Facts and benefits of milk

          Do you know these things about milk?

Hello friends, you are very welcome to my blog, I have brought you today how to drink milk properly and today I am going to tell you all the things related to milk.

Image result for Eating milk

The milk we drink every day is used in milk every day, but very few people know how milk is consumed. Milk is considered very good for health.
The calcium, potassium and vitamins in milk which not only makes the bone strong, but is very good for whole health.
Nowadays when people get into the milk pit of milk, in Ayurveda, there is such a thought that can be combined with milk and protein and calcium.

What does modern science say about milk ???

Modern sages say that one should drink milk without sugar before going to bed at night, because it takes time to digest and play in the body, so it is good to drink it at night. Increases the brain and helps in getting good sleep.
If the milk is heavy, boil some water in it and drink it later. According to Modern Science, milk should be drunk before sleeping at night.

How to get milk according to Ayurveda 

According to Ayurveda, milk should be taken at night, if drinking milk in the morning, you can consume it with Arjuna bark.

Take cow's milk or buffalo milk.

Milk of both cow and disguise is good, but for those who live a normal life, cow's milk is very good. Cow milk has 61 calories in 100 ml and its fat is about 4.5, which means that cow's milk is thinner than disguise. This is why it is easy to digest. Whose digestion is low, it is good to take cow's milk.

Image result for गाय भैंस का दुध


Now let's talk about 100 ml of milk in disguise, it has 97 calories and about 6.9 feet. Which can be very heavy in the body and takes a lot of time to digest. Disguised milk is good for those who work a lot. Ayurveda states that a person who goes to the arena should eat milk of disguise, which leads to weight gain and muscle growth.

Hot milk and cold milk ???  

Today we will tell who should take hot milk and relatives should take cold milk.If the stomach becomes upset after drinking milk, it should be drunk and then the body will rest and be digested quickly. If cold milk is to be taken,Cold milk keeps such food cold, so after eating our food, drinking half a glass of cold milk reduces acid production and if there is no such acid, the gene becomes acid; Those people should drink cold milk only.

Often people keep milk in freeze and drink it after heating and it should not be so thick because if you cool it in freeze, the properties present in the milk go away.

To keep milk in mind

  Those who cannot digest milk can take Panchgani powder. Ayurveda states that Panchgani powder nourishes the digestive element in the stomach. How to get Panchgani Churna ?? So take half a glass of water and in the evening take a spoonful of the mixture and take this powder out of the water and filter it. Drink milk after 10 minutes, the milk will be digested easily.

 According to Ayurveda, never add sugar to milk nor white sugar, it is harmful to your health.

Good or sweet sugar can be used to sweeten Kare milk.

 Do not consume meat or fish after consuming milk, nor do it because it causes skin diseases.

Never take milk with sour things, it is harmful to health.

  amla is the only thing that is sour and can also be taken with milk.

 Just as children insist on drinking milk, other elderly members should also pay attention, just as a young child needs milk, in such old age the body needs milk, in this way giving milk to old people Is better Shakti is beige is healthy.

Benefits of Turmeric Milk 

  Often, elderly people recommend us to take turmeric milk, because according to Ayurveda, drinking turmeric in milk has many benefits. Drinking turmeric milk increases alum system, which reduces fatigue.

What is the right way to drink turmeric milk 

Some people do not know how to take turmeric and milk together, so let's tell you a glass of cow or disguise, boil two pinches of turmeric and then let it cool down then drink that turmeric milk exactly one hour before bedtime.
There are many benefits of drinking turmeric milk to a person suffering from cough. 

Turmeric Old turmeric milk is also used to heal a chronic wound or wound.Who for those who do not sleep well due to any stress or any other reason, drinking turmeric milk before going to sleep also leads to good sleep.

DAY fatigue is cured.

 Turmeric milk removes toxic toxin from the body and keeps the stomach clean.

Fast Weight Loss tips \\ Tips for losing Fast Weight Loss

Hello friends, you are very welcome to my blog. brought you  tips for Fast Weight Loss . and the treatment can be 100% Fast Weight Loss .

Image result for Yoga Pranayama

Weight loss tips, 100% working tips

According to medical science, if your body mass index is more than Bmi 25 , then your weight is more. So you should reduce your Bmi to more than 40 , so it is believed that it is at a dangerous stage of obesity.

Women tend to gain more weight than men because the hormones of female O tend to change quickly, so the weight increases, so there is more trouble when pregnancy is not done properly.

Due to the thicker pay, there is a decrease in beauty. The clothes do not look good. Young boys cannot marry a girl, no one likes them. Life is not able to enjoy.

If the obese people go to the doctor or to the clinic, even if they do not reduce obesity even after taking medicines, then today we have brought some safe prescriptions for those people.

Weight Loss Tips 

 1) Hot water

 According to Ayurveda, those who are obese should always drink hot water because drinking hot water keeps the stomach clean, Toxins come out of the body. And digestion becomes strong, which reduces obesity. Everyday, drinking hot water causes 2 kg Fast Weight Loss .  in monthSo if in one year how much  Fast Weight Loss .  can happen. The best example of that is Japan, more people in Japan are less fat because people drink hot water there only. drink only hot water to do Fast Weight Loss .

Drink a glass of hot water on an empty stomach in the morning, these 10 benefits will be available 

  Hot water

2)  Urine

Cow urine is of great importance in Ayurveda, so the weight of Cow urine extract reduces obesity. Consumption of Cow urine extract can cause 3 to 5 kg Fast Weight Loss . in a month If you take 5 to 6 months then you can do 15 kg Fast Weight Loss .

Cow urine
3) Jus the bitter truth 

Bitter gourd is bitter but best for health and body. Due to mo alkali in bitter gourd, the whole system remains good in the body due to taking alkali in the food. Bitter gourd works in  Fast Weight Loss   and it does not have side effects.

Weight loss tips, 100% working tips

                              Bitter gourd jus 

 Tips  ➤ morning two cut them seize three bitter gourd seeds then pieces'm sorry 
Add some water and mix it in the mixture, filter it, now take a cup of bitter gourd juice, add one lemon juice in it. Now take this juice on an empty stomach in the morning. This will reduce the digestion system and it will cause Fast Weight Loss . By consuming this , the body gets the desired shape of the body in 1 or 2 months.

note ➤  Keep in mind - this jus is to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach . 


Splash is a very good thing in losing weight. In the Changes Body, it fats and the poisonous elements get out of the way, it fixes the digestive system and causes  Fast Weight Loss .

Image result for Chas

 Tips  ➤ one side glass Splash  take it with half spoons Alwain powder to lock the one side Chothai spoons black salt to lock take this Splash on two three-Din drink after twice dinner on the day Fast Weight Loss   be current to be sort of statement is this long experiment Tax has many benefits.

    5) Yoga Pranayama 

Yoga also pranayama 
Fast Weight Loss   can be is the extraordinary amount of people their yoga breathing Fast Weight Loss   must be the sun salutation and Khapalbhati pranayama you tell my  Fast Weight Loss  will. If no recipe works, then this recipe will work for 100% Fast Weight Loss 

Weight loss tips, 100% working tips

6 )  Walking or running 

 according to Ayurveda Rosana dhumna or walking or dodha is not easy to lose weight. Every person should not walk 5km daily for health and body fitness. Subah Subah vitamin is also good for the body.

Image result for walk or dod

  7) honey to Nibu

 those fat is the morning should Pite toward you  Fast Weight Loss   add AI spoons of honey on the places of tea stop drinking should be like Gym Water lemon   that drinking water from Fast Weight Loss  Lath will be. Consuming it every day will greatly benefit from it.

Image result for honey and lemon in it by drinking that water

Honey and lemon

Now talk some common things is that  Weight Loss  takes an extraordinary amount of sense in O.

  Obesity only comes from overeating. This is absolutely true. There are things to eat that even if you eat less, you get more fat in the body and obesity comes, then if you talk about those things, then by eating things like slow, oil, banana, grapes, carnivorous, sweet jizz, things will increase. Do not take too much   more than necessary. 

 O oppressed in gold could also lead to obesity. Some people fall asleep after eating food in a poor way, by doing this, their digestive power is reduced and the energy of the body does not deteriorate, so obesity comes. So give up the habit of sleeping in the world  yoga and take in a carbohydrate diet, which increases the fat in the body. Drinking milk is also a low-fat drink that increases weight. 

You can eat fruit without taking fruit. Fruit jus also leads to obesity.

Weight Loss Product 

 said on exchange of Fast Weight Loss   Cream get is information type product of three here on is that Fast Weight Loss  dim advantages in O

1) Himalaya Ayurslim

It is especially recommended for obesity, hyperlipidemia sugar cravings. There is Garcinia in it, which works in reducing obesity, in it all the powder is in the form. Obesity can be reduced by taking this pill or taking it.
This is an Ayurvedic medicine so it has less effect. They go easily to the medical store.
AyurSlim For Weight Management (Pack of 2 - 60 capsules each) - Himalaya

      Himalaya Ayurslim

Side effects

Its farm company claims that it does not have any side effects, but it also has a side effect; it keeps the stomach tight and fatigue causes weakness.

2) Sunova Bioslim

These products are also used to reduce obesity, in which hormonal inhalation, thyroid, diabetes and weight loss are greatly affected. Garcinia is very high in it, which does not allow the body to burst, it controls the blood level, it has a green koffee beesh effect, which does not allow the hormone to increase obesity and helps in Fast Weight Loss  Slim Body . Hey These products also easily go to medical stores. 

Side effects

Its major side effects have not been revealed yet.

3)  Patanjali Divya Medonat Vati

It classical Ayurvedic formula  is all described in Ayurveda fat  the disease fat Jnit diseases drug Hekisme is also Garcinia to lock the Fast Weight Loss   helps to. It is an Ayurvedic medicine,
it easily goes to any Patanjali store or even to the medical store.

Side effects

Its form company claims that it does not have any side effects, but taking this medicine of Patanjali causes little acidity and heartburn.

Which is the best Fast Weight Loss  Product

Now talking to O three Messe most Best products more effective that   Fast Weight Loss to in efakted O Sunova Bioslim which thrive fluently is that no side effects is not the effective O Jisse Fast Weight Loss can be observed is.

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