Nutrition Facts and benefits of milk

          Do you know these things about milk?

Hello friends, you are very welcome to my blog, I have brought you today how to drink milk properly and today I am going to tell you all the things related to milk.

Image result for Eating milk

The milk we drink every day is used in milk every day, but very few people know how milk is consumed. Milk is considered very good for health.
The calcium, potassium and vitamins in milk which not only makes the bone strong, but is very good for whole health.
Nowadays when people get into the milk pit of milk, in Ayurveda, there is such a thought that can be combined with milk and protein and calcium.

What does modern science say about milk ???

Modern sages say that one should drink milk without sugar before going to bed at night, because it takes time to digest and play in the body, so it is good to drink it at night. Increases the brain and helps in getting good sleep.
If the milk is heavy, boil some water in it and drink it later. According to Modern Science, milk should be drunk before sleeping at night.

How to get milk according to Ayurveda 

According to Ayurveda, milk should be taken at night, if drinking milk in the morning, you can consume it with Arjuna bark.

Take cow's milk or buffalo milk.

Milk of both cow and disguise is good, but for those who live a normal life, cow's milk is very good. Cow milk has 61 calories in 100 ml and its fat is about 4.5, which means that cow's milk is thinner than disguise. This is why it is easy to digest. Whose digestion is low, it is good to take cow's milk.

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Now let's talk about 100 ml of milk in disguise, it has 97 calories and about 6.9 feet. Which can be very heavy in the body and takes a lot of time to digest. Disguised milk is good for those who work a lot. Ayurveda states that a person who goes to the arena should eat milk of disguise, which leads to weight gain and muscle growth.

Hot milk and cold milk ???  

Today we will tell who should take hot milk and relatives should take cold milk.If the stomach becomes upset after drinking milk, it should be drunk and then the body will rest and be digested quickly. If cold milk is to be taken,Cold milk keeps such food cold, so after eating our food, drinking half a glass of cold milk reduces acid production and if there is no such acid, the gene becomes acid; Those people should drink cold milk only.

Often people keep milk in freeze and drink it after heating and it should not be so thick because if you cool it in freeze, the properties present in the milk go away.

To keep milk in mind

  Those who cannot digest milk can take Panchgani powder. Ayurveda states that Panchgani powder nourishes the digestive element in the stomach. How to get Panchgani Churna ?? So take half a glass of water and in the evening take a spoonful of the mixture and take this powder out of the water and filter it. Drink milk after 10 minutes, the milk will be digested easily.

 According to Ayurveda, never add sugar to milk nor white sugar, it is harmful to your health.

Good or sweet sugar can be used to sweeten Kare milk.

 Do not consume meat or fish after consuming milk, nor do it because it causes skin diseases.

Never take milk with sour things, it is harmful to health.

  amla is the only thing that is sour and can also be taken with milk.

 Just as children insist on drinking milk, other elderly members should also pay attention, just as a young child needs milk, in such old age the body needs milk, in this way giving milk to old people Is better Shakti is beige is healthy.

Benefits of Turmeric Milk 

  Often, elderly people recommend us to take turmeric milk, because according to Ayurveda, drinking turmeric in milk has many benefits. Drinking turmeric milk increases alum system, which reduces fatigue.

What is the right way to drink turmeric milk 

Some people do not know how to take turmeric and milk together, so let's tell you a glass of cow or disguise, boil two pinches of turmeric and then let it cool down then drink that turmeric milk exactly one hour before bedtime.
There are many benefits of drinking turmeric milk to a person suffering from cough. 

Turmeric Old turmeric milk is also used to heal a chronic wound or wound.Who for those who do not sleep well due to any stress or any other reason, drinking turmeric milk before going to sleep also leads to good sleep.

DAY fatigue is cured.

 Turmeric milk removes toxic toxin from the body and keeps the stomach clean.


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