Benefits OF Banana

What are the advantages of Banana Mines and what is the right way to mine it ?? - benefits of banana


Benefits of Banana Mines

Bananas contain many nutrients which are beneficial for our body. 
Banana mines strengthen the body bone. The beauty of our face increases. The whiteness of teeth also increases. 
Banana should be eaten with milk to gain weight. 
Bananas give us plenty of protein, calories, and vitamins. 
Eating bananas before the student of the exam does not cause sleepiness 
and sluggishness in the exam. 
Banana mines do not cause any kind of tension in the body or in the mind.


Races are found in bananas which strengthen digestion. People with digestive problems benefit. 
Banana mines do not have the problem of possession. 
The level of blood increases. 
Drinking honey mixed with banana juice helps to get good sleep. 
Taking 2 bananas with honey makes the heart strong. Eating banana is beneficial for heart patients. 
People who have problems in the nose, drinking bananas mixed with sugar and milk can make their problems worse. 
Thin people are fat by drinking banana shake. 

 The correct way to eat bananas
  Taking a banana after workout is good for Body. This is why Embodiment, who lost his lost salary during workout, comes back soon.
She goes.
When working, when tired, you should not eat bananas, which can relieve fatigue. 
It is good to take milk in the morning with milk.

When to take a banana bath
Banana should not be eaten on an empty stomach because the calcium that is contained in the banana by eating on an empty stomach can harm the body. 
Pregnant women should not take banana with milk, it may harm them.

1 comment:

  1. Very valuable information, congratulations I was looking for something like that and found it here.
