Showing posts with label android trick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android trick. Show all posts

upside down text - How to Mirror Write Facebook & WhatsApp - dd∀sʇɐɥM ⅋ ʞooqǝɔɐℲ uᴉ ʇxǝʇ ǝsɹǝʌǝɹ ǝʇᴉɹʍ oʇ ʍoH

How to write reverse text in Facebook & WhatsApp

Friends, today how do you write reverse text in Facebook and Whats App? Today, we are going to tell you this trick in this article. If you want to have fun with your girlfriends or friends and any relative, then you can definitely use this trick. If you write upside down like this, girlfriends or friends will definitely keep thinking and they will ask you about this trick too.


 dd∀sʇɐɥM ⅋ ʞooqǝɔɐℲ uᴉ ʇxǝʇ ǝsɹǝʌǝɹ ǝʇᴉɹʍ oʇ ʍo

                                 ∩O⅄ ƎΛO˥ I

            How to Write Reverse Text

                       ʇxǝʇ ǝsɹǝʌǝɹ ǝʇᴉɹʍ oʇ ʍoH 

How to Write Reverse Text

Friends, you can write to girlfriends or friends by following the step by step below to write reverse text.

Step 1:- First of all you click on this website, then it will open in a new tab in the browser. In this, you can generate HTML code as well as write it upside down.

Step 2:- As the new tab opens, you will see 2 boxes.

Step 3:- In the first box, write what you want to write girlfriends or friends. Whatever you have written in the first box, the reverse of it will automatically come down in the second box.

Step 4:- Whatever text has been turned upside down in the second box, you can copy it and paste it in Whats App and Facebook and send it to girlfriends or friends.

Friends, now you have come to know from this trick that from where and how can you write reverse text in Facebook and Whats App? And send it to your girlfriend or friends. Do share this post with your friends. If you have some problem with this trick then you can comity us. 

Search my phone -Find my lost phone - Find my device

Search my phone
                          Find my lost phone                                                                           Find my device

Friends, today we are going to talk about stolen mobiles in this article. Nowadays there are many smartphones in this world, as well as mobile theft is also increasing nowadays. Some people do not know how to find their stolen and lost mobiles. Due to his lack of knowledge about this trick, he is not getting his mobile. So I will tell you with this trick that you will be able to find your mobile easily.

How to find stolen mobile from police camplein

Whenever you take a new smartphone or old smartphone, the IMEI number is written on its bill and mobile. Each device can have a different identity. If you have this 15 digit IMEI number of stolen and lost mobile, then the police will be able to easily find your phone. If you want to know this IMEI number, you will get a 15 digit number on the back of your phone battery or if you dial * 06 # or by going to your mobile settings. you will get a 15 digit number. Number of IMEI information in Status.

Some people have stolen their mobiles, so they do not compete in the police because they get upset by answering the police questions.

Friends, if you do not have any of these 4 points below, you cannot search your mobile from Google. So keep these three points on your mobile at all times.

Note: - With the help of Google, you search mobile

1) You must be logged in with your mobile Gmail ID.
2) Location service (GPS) must be turned on in your mobile.
3) Your mobile must have internet enabled.
4) When you are searching with the help of Google, your mobile should be such that it is not switched off.

Let's start with how to find stolen and lost mobiles.

Step 1:- First of all you must have a mobile or computer.

Step 2:- If you have a computer then go to find my device . The Gmail you login to your lost or stolen mobile, login to the computer with the same Gmail and Gmail, should be the same as the one that was logged into the lost or stolen mobile.

Step 3:- If you have mobile then download the android Device Manager app from Google Play Store. Login with a Gmail, login to your lost or stolen mobile. Gmail must be logged into stolen mobile.

Step 4:- Now you will know in which area your mobile is.

There you will see 3 options. Take that meaning, then you can use it. Otherwise if it is used randomly, it can cause a lot of damage.
3 options will appear in the photo below.

Play Sound:- Use it only when your mobile is in your home or nearby. You will feel that if my phone is in silent mode then how will the ring ring? Brother, the ring will ring even when your phone is muted.

I have to use the phone at home or around, only use it because if your phone is stolen, the person stealing it will remove the phone battery or switch off , then you will not be able to find your phone.

Secure Device (LOCK):- If you feel that it is difficult to take my phone now, then you will use it, then your phone will be locked and you can also send the message that if you get any of these mobiles then Reward Call if you do, you will get this number

Erase:- Your mobile contains personal information and you want to delete all your information using this option if your data is not in anyone's hands.

Friends, you should know how to search for stolen and lost mobiles with the help of Google or with the help of police. How did you like this article, comment us and share it with your friends.